Monday, March 19, 2007

I am bitchy, hear me roar

I'm back on Weight Watchers. I am, as my mother would say, "mean as a striped ass spider". I will be back in a few days when I feel I can be civil instead of Sybil.


bon said...

WW? I feel yer pain. Well, not really, but I sure OUGHT to be feeling your pain!

tagged you.

Sugarmama said...

I thought you already WERE on WW, my friend! You've been looking all cute and slim in the face lately...

graymama said...

I think WW is better than the tooth decay diet :-P I am becoming used to eating lots of mush.

Oh and I think you might be more of a Peggy Lou than a Sybil right now :-P

susan said...

Hope the bitchiness passes soon...Hang in there!